Positive Intelligence (PQ) Is NOT Toxic Positivity!

If you have been an educator during the last few years, chances are you have experienced toxic positivity.  According to verywellmind.com, toxic positivity is "the belief that no matter how dire or difficult a situation is, people should maintain a positive mindset. While there are benefits to being optimistic and engaging in positive thinking, toxic positivity rejects all difficult emotions in favor of a cheerful and often falsely-positive façade." Sound familiar?  On top of an already unsustainable workload, educators now are expected to soldier on through a global pandemic, sudden shifts to remote learning and back in person, political unrest and climate disaster.  Administrators are often at a loss for how to support teachers through it all, and may unwittingly resort to toxic positivity in an attempt to keep everything from crashing down.  

Maybe you have been told to hide your negative emotions and put on a happy face for the students.  Maybe serious issues in your school have been minimized or ignored...you can probably think of other examples.  This is NOT what Positive Intelligence aims to do.

I would be a hypocrite if I told you to stay in education no matter how much you may be struggling; I experienced burnout last year and I felt I had no choice but to resign after my first year as an administrator.  On the contrary, I want to help prevent what happened to me from happening to you.  I'm not here to tell you to stay or leave.  I'm here to tell you that Positive Intelligence is a scientifically-backed way to access your inner Sage, or for you Star Wars fans, your "Jedi mindset".  When a Jedi has to battle the dark side, she channels calm, clear, laser-focused energy to accomplish the task. 

 If you're on the fence about whether to continue as an educator, PQ can help you to calm the chatter from your stressed-out mind and focus on what matters most to you, to help you make the best decision.  If you're committed to staying, PQ can help you rise to meet the challenges with more calm, confidence and productivity.  If you've already decided to leave, PQ can help you make the best of the rest of the school year and give you the mental energy needed to transition to the next phase of your career.

I am acutely aware of the myriad challenges facing education and have been fighting for change for most of my career.  We know we can no longer continue to maintain the status quo; change is inevitable.  Educators are some of the most caring, committed and fierce people I know.  I want to help you co-create what's next in education by sharpening your mental toolbox.  Let's put our best minds together to create a better way.


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